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Mythic Relics Graphics

Mythic Relics Graphics


Texture Details:

  • 100 Mythic Relics Graphics
  • Setups for Oraxen and ItemsAdder, just Drag & Drop
  • ItemsAdder 1.15+ compatible
  • Oraxen 1.18 compatible
  • NOTE:

The items do not have their mechanics configured. They're made purely as graphics, although in-game times.


Aladdin's Lamp
Amethyst Amulet
Amethyst Seeds
Amethyst Septer
Ancient Amulet
Ancient Coin
Ancient Totem
Ancient Trophy
Aqua Book
Aquamarine Dust
Aquamarine Helmet
Arcane Scroll
Bag of Jewellry
Bat Wing
Black Knight
Blue Crystal
Bowl Blue Flame
Charred Skull
Dark Mask
Demon Mask
Diamond Earring
Diamond Glasses
Divine Amulet
Divine Pickaxe
Divine Ring
Divine Scepter
Dragon Egg
Elemental Orb
Emerald Axe
Enchanted Vase
Eye Of The Future
Falcom with Spirits
Fire Shuriken
Flame Stack Decks
Flask with Blood
Gold Bars
Golden Amulet
Golden Egg
Golden Harp
Golden Horsehoe
Golden Jug
Golden Ring Blue Crystal
Golden Shield
Golden Trumpet
Goodwin Hat
Hand of Mindas
Health Potion
King Robe
Knight's Rose
Lightning Bow
Liquid Star
Magic Ball
Magic Seal
Mirror of Fog
Mirror of Kalandra
Mystic Box
Mythic Drop
Mythic Feather
Mythic Staff
Netherite Amulet
Netherite Shield
Phoenix Egg
Phoenix Feather
Primitive Knife
Rare Crystals
Razor Ring
Ritual Skull
Royal Robe
Ruby Amulet
Ruby Beads
Ruby Bracelet
Ruby Crystal
Ruby Pendant
Rune Plate
Rune Plate 2
Rune Stone
Sapphire Butterfly
Sapphire Sword
Scarlet Flower
Scroll of Dead
Silver Mirror
Sphere of Power
Spirit Candle
Spirit Mask
Stuffed Raven
Talisman of Dexterity
Tear of the Delirium
Toxic Ingot
Toxic Stone
Void Flask
Void Ingot
Void Sphere
Volcanic Scarab
Warlocks Tome
Wizard Hat


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