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How to Use the Dynmap Plugin for your minecraft server

Writer: Andrej J.Andrej J.

Crafting a map in your Minecraft realm can be a luxurious and productive way to make traversing your kingdom simpler and more expedient.

The Dynmap plugin for Minecraft is an incredibly advantageous and formidable utility that permits you to craft an exceptional and in-depth map of your realm.

We'll be examining the peculiarities of the plugin and how to enable it, as well as providing step-by-step instructions on how to use the plugin and personalize the map to your preference.

By the end of this post, you should have a complete grasp of the Dynmap plugin.


Dynmap's primary goal is to allow you to render a specific world and make it available for you to see using your browser, however, you're also able to see real-time updates. This allows for easier content creation and it's even better because map viewers can chat with players who are in-game.

It started off as just that, but as time passed by, Dynmap developers started adding more extensions (plugin add-ons) which now makes it an extremely unique plugin that every Minecraft server, at least every survival server, should have.

Some of the add-ons include Dynmap's API communicating with other plugins such as WorldGuard, Towny, Factions and GriefPrevention. It allows you to see different regions that have been made with each one of those plugins.


If I were you I'd assume it would be tough to get all this going, but fortunately, that's not the case.


Dynmap is free, which means you don't have to invest anything, however, the development team does accept donations. You can download the plugin here.


Once you've downloaded the plugin, open up your Minecraft server panel and find "File Manager" or "FTP File Access". Click on the File Manager, then click on the "plugins" folder and upload the Dynmap plugin.

After the uploading is done, go to the "Console" and click on restart, in order for your server to load the plugin.


Once again, find the File Manager, click on plugins, and lastly, click on the "dynmap" folder.

You should be able to see the "configuration.txt" file. On its right side, there should be three dots or an "Edit" button that you should click.


In order for the generated images to be an appropriate size for your server, find the

"deftemplatesuffix" setting and set it to "lowres".


Find the "webserver-port" setting and set it to one of your ports that's specific to your server.

If you don't know how to make one, you can google it or ask your host for support.

After you're done assigning the port, you can save the document and start the server.


Once the server is up and running, type in http://ip:port in your web browser. The "IP" should be your server's IP, and the "port" should be the previously made port. It's important to use "http", and not "https". The map might not fully generate and you could be seeing a black picture, however, you can generate it yourself by running the "/dynmap fullrender" command. Keep in mind that it will cause a temporary lag because of the map loading, so if your server has hundreds of players you might want to do it when there are less people online.



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