Ice Age Graphics
100 Pixel Art Sprites:
Setups for Oraxen and ItemsAdder, just Drag and Drop
1.19+ compatible
Oraxen 1.18+ compatible
ItemsAdder 1.15+ compatible
NOTE: The items do not have their mechanics configured. They’re made purely as graphics, although in-game times.
- Amulet Of Eternal Frost
- Arctic Fish Fillet
- Arctic Leather Tunic
- Aurora Staff
- Banner Of Frost Empire
- Big Bone
- Blizzard Charm
- Blizzard Crossbow
- Bone Axe
- Bone Knife
- Bone Tipped Club
- Bone Tipped Sword
- Casual Backpack
- Casual Picture
- Cave Bear Skull
- Cryonite Ore
- Deer Horn
- Deer Skull
- Dire Wolf Lang
- Figurine Of The Permafrost
- Frost Diamond
- Frost Giant Figurine
- Frost Hammer
- Frost Shield
- Frost Tipped Sword
- Frostbear Cloak
- Frostberry Pie
- Frostbloom Herb
- Frosted Apple
- Frostfire Crystal
- Frostfire Wand
- Frostflower
- Frostforged Mail
- Frostseeker Hood
- Frosty Mushroom
- Frosty Wreath
- Frozen Backpack
- Frozen Belt
- Frozen Berry
- Frozen Boots
- Frozen Cloak
- Frozen Crystal
- Frozen Cup
- Frozen Fish Spear
- Frozen Pelt Armor
- Frozen Remains
- Frozen Roots
- Frozen Shield
- Frozen Spirit Totem
- Frozen Stem
- Frozen Vase
- Glacial Armor
- Glacial Bow
- Glacial Coat
- Glacial Cuirass
- Glacial Earrings
- Glacial Leggings
- Glacial Moss
- Glacial Potion
- Glacial Rune Belt
- Glacial Sword
- Glacial Talisman
- Glacial Throwing Stars
- Glacier Shard
- Horn
- Ice Age Pickaxe
- Ice Boots
- Ice Bound Coal
- Ice Chair
- Ice Chandelier
- Ice Crown
- Ice Cubes
- Ice Driftwood
- Ice Harpoon
- Ice Helmet
- Ice Honeycomb
- Ice Leggings
- Ice Lily
- Ice Sapphire
- Ice Scythe
- Ice Sword
- Ice Viking Helmet
- Icebound Club
- Iceleader Helmet
- Icicle Dagger
- Icetrimmed Gloves
- Lost Stone Earring
- Magic Wind
- Mammoth Bone Warhammer
- Mammoth Steak
- Mammoth Tusk Spear
- Meat Slab
- Mushroom Soup
- Old Amulet
- Playing Cards
- Polar Fang Knife
- Polar Wolf Hood
- Prehistoric Amulet
- Rib Bones
- Ring Of Permafrost
- Rope
- Sabertooth Claw Dagger
- Sabertooth Skull
- Shard Of Frozen Time
- Silver Picture
- Skull
- Snow Globe
- Snow Lantern
- Snowcake
- Snowpiercer Arrows
- Snowstone Ore
- Snowthorn Bush
- Snowy Topaz
- Stone Tipped Arrow
- Tundra Boots
- Unfrozen Crystal
- Winter Berry
- Woolly Axe
- Woolly Hat
- Yeti Pelt Armor